Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Interviews and Stuff

1) Read Over the Employability Skills sheet - discuss. What do you think? Is this the stuff employers are looking for?

2) Last week we were preparing for job interviews by writing up answers to the most common job interview questions. Now, read the Job Interview tip sheet. 

3) Also Read and discuss Tats and Piercings handout.

4) Now, one by one, watch the following job interview movie clips and take 5-10 minutes to answer the questions on the worksheet.

Interview in "The Family Man":

Interview in "The Pursuit of Happiness":

From "Big" - the job interview scene... it has a long ad - sorry:

Awkward non-interview in "Adventureland."

Hand in the worksheet to your duotangs. And, please submit your interview questions to your duotang as well.

5) For the remainder of class, find a partner and practice asking one another interview questions. No reading notes. Try just naturally speaking your answers...

Oh, and if you have not already done so please save your resume to the folder in shares>shared>planning10resumesgrad2016

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Work Experience, Paper Resumes "are dead" but overdue, ONLINE Resume...

1) Guest Speaker - Kelley Giorgianni from the Work Experience Office. She can help you to get a job and so much more...

2) Paper Resumes!? Overdue.

I have resumes from: Laine, Chance, Nic, Taylor, Leann, Jake C, Andrew, Natasha, Gillian, Lisa, Janey
(I feel like I am missing someone...)
The rest of you are behind schedule. Go get er done! One day I might be your potential employer or reference. Why should I hire you? Why should I say you are good for a job? Show me your work ethic.
Index_card_top“My grandfather once told me that there were two kinds of people: those who do the work and those who take the credit. He told me to try to be in the first group; there was much less competition. ”
Indira Gandhi  (1917-1984);
Prime Minister of India

READ: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/careers/the-future-of-work/paper-rsums-headed-for-extinction/article11553548/?cmpid=rss1

3) Create and Control your Online Presence

  • Start by cleaning up your FB. See what your page looks like when you are not logged in. Did you know your profile pic and your cover image are public domain (which means anyone can see them)? Avoid using drug/alcohol/otherwise-offensive-to-a-potential-employer imagery. If you don't know how to tighten up your privacy, please just ask for help. I'll show you. 
  • Make something awesome that represents the very best version of you online - Weebly (see Kelley's example: http://kelleygiorgianni.weebly.com/)  LinkedIn, Video, even a CLEAN twitter account where you follow positive culture and post positive links. Or even a YouTube channel where you share positive vids...Etc... Due on Thursday!
4) Don't forget about the bonus marks for super duper designing your resume. See link below.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Welcome Back! Resumes begin...

1) Who has not finished their Hot Job Presentation? Present on Thursday! No more excuses.

2) Finish the documentary, One Week Job. And his little TED Talk too...

3) Discussion 

  • What can we learn from his journey? You are still in high school... but it will only be a couple of years and then you be out in the world. 
  • What do we need to be like (what personal qualities)in order to be out in the world in a productive, fulfilling way?
4) It's time to create a more beautiful resume...


You really have to know what you are good at, and make it sound grandiosely better than the average cat...

You are going to create TWO resumes in this class. The standard paper one (see examples here: http://jobsearch.about.com/od/sampleresume1/a/high-school-resume-examples.htm) and on online reume too!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Generation Jobless

Yesterday you should have selected and researched three hot jobs in Canada right now. You were not supposed to research jobs that you already know about and like.

We are looking for jobs that you could actually get one day. In order to make the importance of this task clear and real to you, we are going to put a pause on the process - for one day.

Today, let's look at the Documentary Generation Jobless - including the info-graphic and their top 10 list of jobs.

Homework: take this task seriously and do some real research about what jobs could be available to you in the future. It is not easy to get a solid job anymore. Be ready to work on a slide presentation on Tuesday.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Hot Jobs - Canadian and BC Labour Market???

Announcements - Guest speakers: Forestry (March 14th), Fine Arts (TBA) and Dr. Claire (March 18th)! Please complete work from yesterday. Place in duotang. NIC Trades Fair coming up. Crown Isle Job Fair coming up.

What are the "Hot Jobs" right now?
  • Google "Hot Jobs Canada" and "Hot Jobs BC." You can also check out the links below. What trends are you noticing? What jobs are popping up that intrigue you? (FYI - forestry is a hot job market again).
  • Pick three to research. Complete the Hot Job Sheet and use it to create a  PowerPoint. On Tuesday - we will have a "Job Fair" and present the jobs that we discovered. You will also have Friday to work on this.

Careers, Job Trends & Labour Market Info. Links:

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Pathways after School...

Quick Review - programming sheets due tomorrow in AG - skip celeb thing...

What are all the possible things that you can do after school?

((Think - Pair - Share))

When you think about your future, what/who is influencing your thinking?

((Think - Pair - Share))

Have you considered all the options?

((Think - Pair - Share))

Go to Library - go to http://www.buildacareer.ca/ 
(You can use the web version... or download the ipad app, or phone app)

Start doing the quizzes. At each level, record the job it identified and your reaction to that idea. Where do you think they program got that suggestion from?

Now, click on the RESULTS tab. Do you have any hot jobs? What jobs pay the most? Which ones require the most education?

Select six jobs that kind of grab your interest. Fill in the chart. Remember, that the idea is to get exposure to all kinds of jobs you might otherwise never have thought of. What you want to do today might change!

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Grad Planning Continued

1) Grad Program - Group Inquiry... worksheets to put in your duotang:
  1. Your Graduation Program Requirements
  2. Grad Requirements - True/False
  3. Programming Guides Scavenger Hunt - each group has guidebooks
  4. Fill in the blanks Grad Requirements
  5. Credit Check
2) Celebrity Grad Program - Group Task

Let's pretend that a celebrity (that your group agrees on) has just confessed to the media that she/he did not actually graduate from high school! Shocking!
In a move to make amends and get a diploma, that celebrity has picked Highland Secondary to create a three year reality TV show where she/he goes back to school and takes all the required courses in order to graduate. Your groups job is to make a three year plan for their courses, and then to make a Prezzi presentation that explains what happened during those three years. Think photos combined with report card score and comments, images of what happened in classes, and how that celebrity got along in school, etc...